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Experience the joy of receiving a one-of-a-kind hand-tied bouquet with our Designer's Choice selection. Let our expert florists create a stunning arrangement using the freshest seasonal blooms, perfect for any occasion or sentiment.




Designer's Choice- Hand Tied Bouquet

PriceFrom $33.75
Price Options
One-time purchase
Designer's Choice
Hand-Tied Bouquet
$38.25every 2 weeks until canceled
Designer's Choice
Hand Tied Bouquet
$38.25every month until canceled
Designer's Choice
Hand Tied Bouquet
$33.75every week until canceled
  • All orders will be delivered Next Day unless otherwise stated. If you have a specific date in mind for delivery please "Add Note" in the cart! We currently do not offer same day delivery. 

  • Our return policy is as follows: We do not accept returns or exchanges on floral arrangements. All sales are final. We strive to ensure that each arrangement is crafted with the utmost care and quality, and we stand behind the beauty and freshness of our products. If you have any concerns about your order, please contact us, and we will do our best to address them promptly.

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